Advocates exempted from carrying an E-pass during curfew in New Delhi

The High Court of Delhi at New Delhi issued and order upon a writ petition on 25th May, 2021 wherein the court stated that any that any authority whosoever shall not stop any advocate in NCT of Delhi if he or she produces the Bar identity card or any proof of his/her being an advocate. The Court also made it very clear that no officer of any authority shall humiliate any of the Advocates on production of the Bar identity card or other proof, failing which strict action shall be taken against the erring officer as per law.

Prior to this order, the Delhi Disaster Management Authority, Govt of NCT of Delhi on 19.04.2021 issued instructions wherein in para 4(c) it has been stated that all Judicial officers/officials /staff members of all courts of Delhi (Hon’ble Supreme Court of India Hon’ble High Court of Delhi / District Courts/ Tribunals) are exempted from the restriction of movement during curfew, on production of valid I card/ Service ID Card/Photo Entry Passes/Permission Letters issued by the court administration.

Read Order here

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